Discover the Successful Entrepreneur Habits You Need Now

December 06, 2023
13 min read
By Gianluca Turcatel
Discover the Successful Entrepreneur Habits You Need Now

Venturing into the world of entrepreneurship comes with its fair share of trials and tribulations. One of the successful entrepreneur habits to adopt early on is persistence. Your resilience in facing hurdles, both minor and major, is integral to distinguishing yourself as a successful entrepreneur. At the core of entrepreneurial success lies the ability to endure these setbacks and maintain determination. Such perseverance opens avenues to conquer challenges and directs you towards substantial growth. It fortifies your resolve, strengthening your entrepreneurial journey. With persistence, you're equipped to overcome obstacles, turning them into stepping stones for success. The journey to becoming a successful entrepreneur isn't a straightforward one, but with the right habits such as relentless persistence, achieving your goals is not only conceivable, it's inevitable. So, brace yourself and press on even when the going gets tough. Remember, the most impressive skyscrapers are built under pressure.

The Value of Networking for Entrepreneurs

the value of networking for entrepreneurs

Networking plays a critical role for entrepreneurs as it serves as a gateway to numerous opportunities. This goes beyond mere socializing or relationship building. It's a strategic practice leveraged by successful entrepreneurs to foster collaborations and partnerships that can augment their business's growth and success. For instance, a startup founder may connect with an industry expert at a conference, and this connection might lead to a fruitful business partnership in the future. Remember - the power of networking is not just about what you can gain, but also what you can give in terms of insights, resources, and assistance.

Moreover, a strong business network serves as a reservoir of knowledge and resources that extends far beyond an entrepreneur's immediate access. This can help entrepreneurs overcome business challenges, steer clear of potential pitfalls and consistently stay ahead of trends in their industry sector. For example, through your network, you might learn about a new software that can streamline your operations, or get introduced to a potential investor looking for promising startups to invest in. In a nutshell, networking is a strategic avenue that provides entrepreneurs limitless possibilities to catapult their business to the forefront of their industry.

Building a Success-Oriented Mindset

Catalyzing entrepreneurial success requires developing a success-focused mentality. By conditioning the mind to pursue success relentlessly, entrepreneurs can better guide their market ventures and strategize their entrepreneurial journey. It's a mindset ingrained with a passion for continual learning and an unwavering adaptability to shifting market dynamics. For instance, consider the founder of SpaceX, Elon Musk, who, despite multiple rocket launch failures, persisted with his vision, continually learned from his failures, and adapted his strategies to become one of the most recognized names in the space industry today.

Unwavering vision serves as the bedrock of an entrepreneur's success mindset. Anchoring themselves to a resolute vision, success-oriented entrepreneurs work relentlessly towards actualizing their business aspirations. This mindset was crystal clear in Steve Jobs, the late co-founder of Apple Inc. His vision for innovation and design drove his iconic product releases and reshaped tech landscapes, embodying a quintessential success-driven mindset.

In conclusion, constructing a success-oriented mindset rests on learning as a continuous journey, adaptability in the face of change, and a steadfast commitment to one’s vision. It is an entrepreneurial habit that strengthens business fortitude and guides entrepreneurs towards their defined success. When modeled by business titans like Elon Musk and Steve Jobs, the impact of a success-oriented mindset is evident in their inspiring entrepreneurial narratives, serving as compelling examples for emerging entrepreneurs today.

Habit of Inculcating Self-Discipline

habit of inculcating self discipline

Self-discipline is a guiding principle that can drive entrepreneurs to unprecedented levels of productivity and efficiency. This habit is critical in controlling impulses and maintaining direct focus on set goals. It ensures that distractions are minimized, fostering an environment conducive to diligent work and reflection.

Similarly, the practice of self-discipline leads to effective prioritization of tasks. This principle encourages entrepreneurs to identify what must be done immediately and what can be deferred. An example would be to focus first on meeting deadlines for client projects before delving into new, exploratory business ideas.

Inculcating this habit of self-discipline becomes a catalyst for personal growth. It allows entrepreneurs to identify areas in need of development, work on them, and, thereby, achieve personal improvement. For instance, entrepreneurs could use self-discipline to set aside time for learning new entrepreneurial strategies or technology despite their busy schedules.

Finally, this characteristic significantly contributes to professional success. As entrepreneurs maintain focus on goals and continually prioritize tasks, they are more likely to achieve their aims. Entrepreneur Elon Musk, for instance, credits self-discipline as a critical driver behind his success, providing tangible evidence of how this habit can yield phenomenal results.

Strategic Planning: A Key Entrepreneur Habit

Strategic planning is a pivotal habit that successful entrepreneurs must possess because it ensures that their business operations are in line with their overarching vision. Envisioning future trends assists with the organization's progression, allowing entrepreneurs to adapt appropriately to market changes. For instance, if they anticipate a shift towards environmentally-friendly products within their industry, they can adjust their products or services accordingly.

Reviewing business plans regularly is a practical habit in strategic planning. Changes in the business environment may necessitate alterations in their strategy. For example, McDonald's frequently updates its menu to cater to the varying tastes and preferences of its customers. This habit also helps entrepreneurs identify weaknesses in their strategies and make required adjustments.

Strategic planning is not only about moving towards success, but also about averting potential risks. By conducting an audit of their organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT), entrepreneurs can anticipate possible threats and devise strategies to mitigate them. Amazon, for instance, counteracted its reputational risk (a weakness) by implementing a robust public relations strategy.

Moreover, a well-planned strategy can act as a shield during business downturns, enabling businesses to navigate the volatile highs and lows of the market. For example, during the 2008 recession, Netflix's strategic planning allowed them to grow despite the economic downturn by capitalizing on an increasing consumer preference for home entertainment.

In essence, strategic planning can pave the way for resilience by allowing entrepreneurs to anticipate challenges and prepare response strategies ahead of time. This is essential for sustained success in the unpredictable world of entrepreneurship.

Importance of Goal Setting in Entrepreneurship

importance of goal setting in entrepreneurship

Goal setting plays a pivotal role in entrepreneurship, as clear objectives guide entrepreneurs toward achieving their overarching vision. Essentially, these goals act as a type of roadmap, delineating the path that must be followed in order to reach the desired destination. To illustrate, if an entrepreneur has the ultimate vision of growing their startup into a multinational corporation, individual goals may involve distinct steps such as securing the first round of funding, launching a successful marketing campaign, or expanding operations into a new city or country.

Moreover, goals transform broad, overarching visions into manageable, actionable tasks. Rather than being overwhelmed by the magnitude of their ultimate objective, entrepreneurs can focus on achieving smaller, incremental goals that add up to substantial progress over time. For instance, if an entrepreneur aims to increase their company's customer base, they may set a goal of adding 50 new customers each month. This approach not only makes the overall vision more attainable, but it also provides a clear way to measure progress and adjust strategies as needed. Diverse examples of successful entrepreneurs such as Elon Musk or Sheryl Sandberg show how meticulous goal setting played a central role in their achievements, reinforcing the importance of establishing clear, actionable objectives in the entrepreneurial journey.

The Power of Positive Thinking

One of the key traits that sets successful entrepreneurs apart is harnessing the power of positive thinking. This doesn't just mean being perpetually optimistic but fostering an attitude of confidence and resilience. Even in the face of adversities, the ability to maintain a positive outlook and exude confidence can be incredibly powerful for entrepreneurs. For instance, after a disappointing product launch, rather than dwelling on the failure, a positive-minded entrepreneur sees it as an opportunity to learn, improve, and try again. This steadfast resilience not only helps them navigate downturns but also enables them to bounce back stronger.

Positive thinking also means cultivating a problem-solving attitude instead of a problem-dwelling mindset. Successful entrepreneurs see challenges not as insurmountable obstacles but as puzzles to be solved. This mindset encourages them to seek innovative solutions instead of succumbing to defeat. For instance, when the Covid-19 pandemic hit, many businesses were severely affected. However, positive-minded entrepreneurs quickly adapted by pivoting their business models, such as transitioning to online sales or implementing contactless delivery.

Moreover, positive thinking plays a critical role in motivation. Even during downturns, maintaining a positive outlook helps entrepreneurs to stay motivated and keep striving towards their goals. Successful entrepreneurs like Richard Branson and Mary Barra, despite facing multiple setbacks over their careers, have often spoken about how their positive attitude helped them persevere. A positive mindset hence acts as the fuel that drives entrepreneurs forward in the journey of entrepreneurship, helping them overcome obstacles, solve problems, and stay motivated, no matter what comes their way.

Adopting Risk-Taking as a Habit

adopting risk taking as a habit

Risk-taking is a stepping stone to extraordinary rewards and learnings for entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs who dare to take risks potentially open doors of new opportunities and growth, whereas those who shy away from them miss out on these perks. Microsoft's Bill Gates, a successful entrepreneur himself, once said, “To win big, sometimes you need to take big risks.” Risk-taking is so significant in the entrepreneurial world that it often differentiates top entrepreneurs from the mediocre ones. For example, in the early days of Amazon, Jeff Bezos decided to quit his lucrative job and risk his career to start an online bookstore, a concept that was unheard of at the time.

But to many successful entrepreneurs, risks are perceived differently from the rest. Rather than viewing them as potential hazards, they regard risks as potential opportunities - a stepping stone to scale new heights in their entrepreneurial journey. To illustrate, Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Group, sees risks as opportunities in disguise and treats them as an integral part of diversifying his business verticals.

However, risk-taking doesn't mean acting recklessly. It involves calculated decisions, well thought out plans, and the courage to step out of one's comfort zones. For instance, Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX risks billions of dollars in his quest to revolutionize the transportation and space industry. But it's his vision, calculated decisions, and the courage to step out of his comfort zone that have made his ventures successful.

Ultimately, embracing risks is an indispensable habit to achieve entrepreneurial growth. As Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg famously quoted, "The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that's changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks." Hence, to be successful, entrepreneurs should not only be comforted by risk-taking but should incorporate it as an essential part of their entrepreneurial journey.

Time Management: A Crucial Entrepreneur Habit

As an entrepreneur, the efficiency of your output is tied directly to your ability to manage time efficiently. Developing a flawless time management habit is not just an option; it is a necessity. A fundamental aspect of time management is the ability to schedule your tasks. Mapping out your tasks for the day, week, or even month, provides an overview of what needs to be done, minimizing procrastination and maximizing productivity.

Prioritization is another crucial facet of time management, which kitchen-sinks out irrelevant tasks while focusing on the imperative ones based on their urgency. Take, for instance, Elon Musk, who utilizes a time-blocking system, allotting specific time slots for different tasks, ensuring every moment of his workday is implemented usefully.

Flexibility, however, should not be left out of the mix in a robust time management habit. As an entrepreneur, unpredictability and sudden changes are part and parcel of your journey. Maintaining flexibility in your schedule accounts for adjustments and changes that can occur.

The benefits of proficient time management extend beyond business productivity. The ability to maintain a healthy work-life balance is one such perk. Arianna Huffington, the co-founder of the Huffington Post, found that her productivity sky-rocketed when she started giving ample time to sleep after her wake-up call from a sleep-deprived collapse.

Lastly, an entrepreneur's schedule should accommodate time for innovative thinking and creativity. This can be seen in the daily routine of Bill Gates, who consistently allocates time for deep thinking, triggering ideas and strategies that contribute significantly to his success. Without adequate time management, burn-outs are inevitable, given the workload carried on the entrepreneurial journey.

Keeping Up with Technology

keeping up with technology

Remaining on the cutting edge of the latest advancements in technology is a vital habit for successful entrepreneurs. Utilizing technological innovations doesn't just streamline operations, but it furnishes businesses with a competitive advantage. To illustrate this, consider how the adoption of cloud computing and artificial intelligence have revolutionized the way businesses store data and drive customer interactions, respectively. However, staying abreast with technology is more than just an understanding of the current trends, it is an anticipation of future potentials. It's about envisioning how technologies like augmented reality or 5G networks could redefine your industry. As Tesla CEO, Elon Musk, noted: “I think it’s very important to have a feedback loop, where you’re constantly thinking about what you’ve done and how you could be doing it better.” This habit of perpetual learning and anticipation in the realm of technology can set an entrepreneur apart. In today's fast-paced digital age, those who fail to embrace and adapt to the ever-evolving technological landscape risk becoming obsolete. Conversely, entrepreneurial success is often found at the intersection of innovation and technology.

Self-Care and Wellness as Entrepreneur Habits

The emphasis on self-care and wellness habits for entrepreneurs can often be overlooked, but it is essential to their ability to function at their best. This habit involves paying attention to mental and physical health so that the entrepreneur can be at peak performance. The synergy between a healthy body and mind is irrefutable and it positively contributes to productivity and creativity. For instance, regular exercise not only helps to maintain physical fitness, but it also improves mental health, reducing stress and enhancing mood - both of which are vital in the demanding life of an entrepreneur. In a study by Harvard Business Review, regular exercise was found to boost work productivity by up to 15%.

Moreover, a robust wellness routine significantly impacts decision-making. Good nutrition is a fundamental aspect of maintaining a healthy body and mind, and it also impacts cognitive function. An entrepreneur who pays heed to their nutritional intake will have a better ability to focus, better memory, and improved decision-making capabilities, all of which are crucial to their success. For instance, a study published in the Journal of Health Psychology found that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is associated with increased curiosity, creativity, and positive emotions - which are critical traits for innovativeness and strategic thinking in entrepreneurs. Hence, establishing self-care and wellness as a habit is key not only for personal well-being but also for entrepreneurial success.

Habit of Seeking and Accepting Feedback

habit of seeking and accepting feedback

Receiving constructive criticism stands as a deciding factor in an entrepreneur's growth trajectory and how their business evolves. Not shying away from feedback, but rather embracing it, brings a wealth of insights and possibilities for improvement. For example, Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX and Tesla, is known for actively seeking and incorporating feedback into his ventures, leading to rapid improvements and innovations. This essentially underscores the value of a learning mindset, synonymous with successful entrepreneurs such as Musk.

However, it's not only about seeking feedback but also about accepting it graciously. Renowned business mogul Richard Branson eloquently highlights that "Every success story is a tale of constant adaption, revision and change." This implicitly speaks to the importance of taking feedback on board and utilizing it as a tool for reshaping strategies, revising plans, and adjusting course. Becoming open to feedback is crucial because it encourages constant learning and development, exceedingly beneficial attributes in the ever-evolving world of entrepreneurship.

Yet, despite its critical role, feedback processing should always be twinned with discernment. While it's integral to take every piece of advice seriously, one needs to filter the feedback for applicability and value. For instance, Steve Jobs once noted that "innovation has nothing to do with how many R&D dollars you have." He was a staunch believer in going with instincts and filtering out inapplicable feedback. Hence, the habit of seeking and accepting feedback is about active learning, refining strategies, but also making judicious decisions about what counts and what doesn't.

Implementing Innovation and Creativity

Pioneering entrepreneurs understand that the foundation to a thriving business lies in harnessing the power of innovation and creativity. These twin elements serve as the driving engine that establishes a competitive edge in today's rapidly evolving marketplace. By fueling novel ideas and promoting groundbreaking strategies, successful entrepreneurs manage to chart new territories in the business landscape. Such fresh initiatives not only make waves in the market, they also ensure the sustainability of the business in the long run. For instance, industry leaders like Elon Musk and Steve Jobs are the definitive examples of how embracing innovation can redefine industries and build world-changing companies like Tesla and Apple.

However, fostering a culture of creativity in the business environment is no easy feat. It requires an open-minded culture, encouraging out-of-the-box thinking and welcoming new approaches. An environment fostering creativity and innovation nurtures problem-solving and propels progress. This culture thrives on diversity, collaboration and knowledge sharing, enabling each individual to bring unique inputs to the table and drive growth. Google, a living testament to this statement, embodies a culture that encourages risk-taking and innovation, resulting in path-breaking products like Google Search, Google Maps, and Android operating system. Hence, fostering a culture of innovation and creativity in business operations can spur progress and extraordinary growth.

Investing in Personal Growth

investing in personal growth

Investing in your personal growth as an entrepreneur is paramount, for it manifests in multiple forms including enhanced skills, broadened knowledge, and rich life experiences. This investment doesn't simply end at benefiting your business; it transcends into overall professional advancement. It enables you to view things from different perspectives, thereby charting new heights of success. Furthermore, personal growth fosters the ability to embrace shifts in dynamics within the business landscape, which predicates your potential to innovate and adapt. Hence, as we conclude, enhancing personal growth isn't a mere option but a necessity for all ambitious entrepreneurs driven towards success. Remember, personal growth isn't something you attain and maintain, it's a lifelong process, and its continual pursuit is what makes an entrepreneur truly successful.

Published on December 06, 2023 by Gianluca Turcatel

Gianluca Turcatel

COO & Co-Founder